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Aggregated Product Reviews
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Aggregated Product Reviews

TestFreaks has collected and aggregated over 20,000,000 expert and consumer product reviews spanning over 200 product categories.
From $69/mo.
About Aggregated Product Reviews
Increase your sales conversion

TestFreaks has collected and aggregated over 20,000,000 expert and consumer product reviews spanning over 200 product categories. By having a wealth of high quality product reviews on your site your visitors will stay on your site while finalizing their pre-purchase research. This translates into a dramatic increase in sales conversions.

Three minute implementation

When you sign up with TestFreaks we will send you two lines of code as well as the instructions detailing where to paste the code. The only other step is to send us your product feed. If you do not have one and do not want to build one, we can quickly spider your site. We will do all of the heavy lifting behind the scenes matching your feed to our review database.

App Features
  • Increase sales conversions: lowers the bounce rate, builds confidence in your product catalog.
  • Increase basket value: lets face it the better, more highly rated products tend to cost more
  • Increase long term SEO performance: more clicks, longer time spent on site.
  • Increase repeat business: customers will trust your site more and be more likely to return
  • Decrease product returns: Potential customers will more readily see any shortcomings of the products and either accept them or find another more acceptable product.
  • TestFreaks will continuously monitor your feed to ensure new products are matched and displaying reviews
Aggregated Product Reviews
Aggregated Product Reviews
Support Information
Supported by:
+46 (0)8 216630

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